The best grass for southern Arizona includes Bermudagrass and buffalograss. Kentucky bluegrass is great for northern Arizona.
Category: Arizona
Invasive Weeds in Arizona and How to Control Them
Johnsongrass, southern sandbur, puncturevine, field bindweed, and purple loosestrife are among the common weeds in Arizona.
Month-by-Month Lawn Care Calendar for Arizona
We created a comprehensive monthly lawn care calendar for Arizona homeowners. Keep your lawn healthy and green all year.
Best Weed Killers for Arizona
Ortho WeedClear Lawn Weed Killer (South), Sunday Dandelion Doom Herbicide, and Spectracide Weed & Grass Killer 2 are some of the best weed killers for Arizona lawns.
Seasonal Watering Schedule for Arizona Lawns
Water your Arizona lawn once every three days at most. Water most frequently in summer, least frequently in winter, and the same amount in spring and fall.
When to Plant Grass in Arizona
Plant summer grass in mid to late April. Plant winter grass in the first two weeks of October. Prepare your soil before planting and water frequently after.
Best Native Plants for Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale, AZ
With its arid climate and relentless sunshine, Phoenix and the surrounding communities attract newcomers from all over the U.S. But […]
16 Best Native Plants for Your Phoenix Yard
If your Valley of the Sun landscaping is withering in the Sonoran Desert heat, discover what native plant species can […]
5 Best Grass Types for Phoenix
Phoenix isn’t nicknamed the “Valley of the Sun” for no reason. With an average high of 98 degrees Fahrenheit in […]
Drought-Resistant Landscaping for Phoenix
Drought-resistant landscaping in Phoenix saves you time, money, and is anything but drab. We’ll discuss how you can turn your […]