Winter desiccation is the phenomenon where a plant loses water through its leaves faster than it can regain it through its roots during the winter months.
Category: Lawn Care Tips
Types of Irrigation
The different types of home irrigation include flood irrigation, sprinklers, subsurface, and drip systems. Learn which is best for you.
How to Pre-Germinate Grass Seed
Got a bucket and some water? Learn how to pre-germinate grass seed. You’ll sprout the grass faster – even the lazy KBG – and enjoy a thick lawn in no time.
What is Slice Seeding?
Plan for the best lawn repairs with slice seeding: excellent seed-to-soil contact, high germination rates, fast sprouting, and dense velvet-like turf.
When to Stop Watering Your Lawn
Watering your lawn is crucial. Knowing when to stop is another. Find out when to stop watering your lawn to maintain health.
Is Lawn Care Tax Deductible for Rental Properties?
A key aspect of being a landlord is keeping your rental property’s lawn looking nice. Did you know that lawn care expenses are usually tax deductible?
Grass Seed vs. Sod
Grass seed vs. sod – which is better, and how to choose? It starts with time and money but depends on lots of other factors. Find the answer in this article.
How long after overseeding can I mow?
How long after overseeding can you mow? Wait two to four weeks after spreading the seeds and check the new grass height to be sure. Read more.
What is dormant seeding?
Dormant seeding is planting your lawn in late fall or winter with seeds that germinate next spring. It’s easy, works, and we show you how to do it.
When is the Best Time to Repair Your Lawn?
Fall and spring are the best for repairing grass, but this might vary with your turf type. Learn when is the best time to repair your lawn for awesome results.