Fertilize cool-season grass in Pennsylvania in May and September. Fertilize zoysiagrass in April, June, and August.
Category: Lawn Care
How Often Should You Overseed Your Lawn?
Typically, you’ll need to overseed your lawn annually. How often you should overseed your lawn depends on your lawn condition, grass type, and other factors.
How to Care for a Bentgrass Lawn
Bentgrasses like being mowed low – around 1 inch or less. They also need a lot of water. Learn more about the specifics of bentgrass lawn care in this guide.
What is Chamberbitter?
Probably the worst broadleaf weed that can invade lawns and gardens, chamberbitter is fast-growing and very difficult to control.
When to Stop Mowing Your Lawn in Pennsylvania
Stop mowing your lawn around December, when the temperature drops below 40°F. Consider the temperature, first frost, and whether your grass is still growing before making the final cut
How to Get Rid of Creeping Bentgrass
Some ways to get rid of creeping bentgrass are using post-emergent herbicides, soil solarization, and a full lawn renovation. Learn more here.
Pros and Cons of Creeping Bentgrass
One of the pros of creeping bentgrass is how soft it feels under your feet. However, it’s a high-maintenance grass. Learn more about its pros and cons here.
How to Tell If Your Grass is Dead or Dormant
The difference between dead or dormant grass is dead grass usually appears as brown patches and dormant grass has a uniform brown appearance across the lawn.
How to Get Rid of Torpedograss
You can get rid of torpedograss by using post-emergent herbicides. At worst, you may need to restart your lawn from scratch. Learn more about torpedograss here.
Last Mow of the Season
Depending on your grass type, the last mow of the season is done once the daytime temperatures drop below 40 to 55 degrees.