The Maryland lawn care schedule varies by the grasses’ growing season. Cool-season’s busiest time is September, while warm-season’s is June.
Category: Maryland
Best Lawn Fertilizers for Maryland
Scotts Turf Builder UltraFeed and Scotts Turf Builder Southern Lawn Food are the best fertilizers for your Maryland lawn.
Maryland Native Plants for Home Landscapes
Discover beautiful, low-maintenance Maryland native plants like pollinator flowers, shrubs, ground covers, and grasses.
When to Plant Grass Seed in Maryland
The best time to plant grass seed in Maryland is mid-August to mid-October. The next best time is early March through late April.
The Best Grass Seed for Maryland Lawns
Bermudagrass and Zoysiagrass do well in warmer parts of Maryland, while tall fescue, fine fescue, and Kentucky bluegrass thrive in cooler areas.
What Maryland’s Fertilizer Law Means for Your Lawn
Under Maryland’s fertilizer law, you can’t use fertilizer containing phosphorus nor fertilize between November 15 and March 1.
Should You Grow Bermudagrass in Maryland?
Discover if Bermudagrass is right for your Maryland lawn with insights on ideal regions and alternatives.
How to Get Rid of 11 Common Weeds in Maryland
Crabgrass, chickweed, henbit, and purple deadnettle are some common weeds in Maryland that can be eliminated mechanically or chemically.
14 Best Native Plants for Your Baltimore Yard
Getting a gorgeous garden in Charm City doesn’t have to take a lot of time. If you rely on native […]
3 Best Grass Types for Baltimore
If you wish your lawn looked like Camden Yards, we have the three best grass types for three turf options […]