By overseeding, applying nitrogen, and giving your lawn a boost of iron, you may be able to keep your warm-season grass green in winter.
Author: Amanda Shiffler
Most comfortable with soil under her fingernails, Amanda has an enthusiasm for gardening, agriculture, and all things plant-related. With a master's degree in agriculture and more than a decade of experience gardening and tending to her lawn, she combines her plant knowledge and knack for writing to share what she knows and loves.
What’s the Difference Between Frost Seeding and Dormant Seeding?
Frost seeding and dormant seeding are used to seed cool-season lawns. Both involve planting during colder periods but differ in timing and preparation.
What is Frost Seeding?
Frost seeding is a method of overseeding lawns that uses natural freeze-thaw cycles to improve seed-to-soil contact and promote grass growth.
How to Tell If Your Grass is Dead or Dormant
The difference between dead or dormant grass is dead grass usually appears as brown patches and dormant grass has a uniform brown appearance across the lawn.
Lawn Drainage Solutions
If you have lawn drainage issues, solutions include options like French drains, channel drains, dry wells, or regrading the slope.
When to Add Iron to Your Lawn
Iron is an essential nutrient that affects the health and color of your lawn. Apply it to your lawn in spring, summer, and fall when the grass is actively growing.
What is Crabgrass?
Crabgrass is an invasive lawn weed that thrives in hot, dry conditions and poor soils. Stay crabgrass-free by growing a strong, healthy lawn.
How to Test Soil Moisture
There are many ways to check soil moisture, from feeling it with your hands to reading with a soil moisture meter or using moisture blocks.
What is the One-Third Rule of Mowing?
Removing up to one-third of the grass blade height when mowing helps to keep your grass healthy by reducing stress, balancing above-ground and below-ground growth, and minimizing weed growth.
How to Dispose of Gasoline
Oxidized, degraded, or contaminated gas should be taken to a hazardous waste facility, a recycling center, or a community collection event.