Fertilize cool-season grass in Pennsylvania in May and September. Fertilize zoysiagrass in April, June, and August.
Author: Nicki DeStasi
Nicki DeStasi is a writer, author, and teacher who grew up in western Massachusetts and currently resides in the Austin area. She enjoys flower and vegetable gardening, reading, cooking, listening to true-crime podcasts, and spending time with her husband, three children, dog, and cat.
New Mexico Planting Zones
New Mexico’s growing zones range from 5a to 8b. The coldest areas are in the northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains. The warmest area is in the White Sands.
Southern New Mexico Planting Zones
Southern New Mexico’s growing zones range from 5b to 8b. The coldest areas are in the Black Range. The warmest area is in the White Sands.
Northern New Mexico Planting Zones
Northern New Mexico’s planting zones range from 5a to 7b. The coldest area is in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. The warmest area is along the Rio Grande.
When to Plant Grass in Arizona
Plant summer grass in mid to late April. Plant winter grass in the first two weeks of October. Prepare your soil before planting and water frequently after.
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What is Necrotic Ring Spot and How to Get Rid of It
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