Learn about the pros and cons of homemade weed killers before using one. They’re budget-friendly but the effects can be short-term.
Author: Melanie Joseph
After discovering her passion for writing through her beauty blog, Melanie left her engineering job in California, became a writer, and never once looked back. When she isn't writing, she loves dipping in the pool, tending to the garden, or doing simple home improvement projects.
How to Care for New Grass
Don’t know how to care for new grass? Here’s a complete guide on proper watering, mowing, fertilizing, and protecting new lawns.
6 Different Lawn Mowing Patterns
Different lawn mowing patterns like stripes and zig-zags can make your lawn stand out while promoting healthy grass growth.
Why Should You Change Your Mowing Direction?
Why should you change your mowing direction? It will make your lawn look more beautiful while minimizing the stress on your grass.
How to Get Rid of Chamberbitter
Don’t know how to get rid of chamberbitter? It involves using pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides, mulching, and hand-pulling.
What is Chamberbitter?
Probably the worst broadleaf weed that can invade lawns and gardens, chamberbitter is fast-growing and very difficult to control.
Last Mow of the Season
Depending on your grass type, the last mow of the season is done once the daytime temperatures drop below 40 to 55 degrees.
What is Quick-Release Fertilizer?
While a quick-release fertilizer is best if your lawn needs immediate replenishment of certain nutrients, you must know how to use it.
7 Signs You Are Cutting Your Grass Too Short
Discover all the signs you are cutting your grass too short, including patches of brown grass and sudden weed invasion.
Slow-Release vs. Quick-Release Fertilizer
While there is no clear winner between slow-release vs. quick-release fertilizers, you must know when it’s best to use either of them.