Kentucky bluegrass, fine fescue, tall fescue, and perennial ryegrass are best for southeast Pennsylvania lawns.
Author: Whitney Lehnecker
A native of Ohio, Whitney Lehnecker is a career journalist and newspaper designer. She now lives in Central Florida with her husband and two pups, Goose and Bindi.
The Best Grass Seeds for Northeast Pennsylvania Lawns
Kentucky bluegrass, fine fescue, tall fescue, and perennial ryegrass are best for Northeast Pennsylvania lawns.
The Best Grass Seeds for Central Pennsylvania
Kentucky bluegrass, fine fescue, tall fescue, and perennial ryegrass are best for central Pennsylvania lawns.
The Best Grass Seeds for Western Pennsylvania Lawns
Kentucky bluegrass, fine fescue, tall fescue, and perennial ryegrass are best for Western Pennsylvania lawns.
The Best Grass Seeds for Pennsylvania Lawns
Kentucky bluegrass, fine fescue, tall fescue, and perennial ryegrass are best for Pennsylvania lawns.
When to Plant Grass Seed in New Jersey
Plant grass seed in New Jersey between mid-August and late September when soil temperatures are consistently above 50 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
Growing Zones of the Willamette Valley
Most of Willamette Valley is in USDA growing zone 8b, where temperatures rarely dip below 15 degrees and the growing season is a gardener-friendly 200-plus days a year.
Growing Zones of Southern Oregon
Southern Oregon’s growing zones range from the chilly 6a zone in Klamath County to the much milder 9a zone close to the Oregon coast.\
Growing Zones of Central Oregon
Most of central Oregon is in USDA growing zones 6a to 7a, with winter temperatures as low as -10 degrees.
The Best Grass Seed for North Jersey Lawns
Cool-season grasses like Kentucky bluegrass, fine fescue, tall fescue, and perennial ryegrass are best for lawns in north Jersey.