Important Tools You Need for Your Lawn Care Business

lawn care professional mowing a lawn

If you’re going to start a lawn care business, there are certain tools you will need. Truck and trailer to haul your equipment, for example. But which tools are a must to start your lawn care business? We’ve listed those below.

Before we get to that list, though, here are a few things you need to know:

  • Not all lawn care equipment has to be brand new. Look for refurbished or rental/lease items if you are just starting and have limited money to invest.
  • Get insurance to cover your tools. We strongly recommend getting insurance in the event your tools are damaged or stolen.
  • Take care of your equipment! Know how each tool works and the maintenance required to keep it functional. For example, grass will look shredded and have white tips if cut with dull blades. You can purchase new blades or have them sharpened every few weeks/months.
  • Building your supply of tools may take a long time. Be patient. Things may occasionally break and need repair, this is all a normal part of this industry and you should always be prepared for these scenarios (either have backup tools or access to quick repairs).
  • You will learn as you grow. Your experience will increase over time and so will your knowledge of tools and what you want to invest in.
  • The better the equipment the better the results. Make sure you know what equipment you need for each type of service, but be open to creative ways of getting work done. Proper equipment will help you complete jobs with efficiency, allowing you to do more work in a shorter period of time.

Pro Tip: How do you find out what you need and which tools to purchase? Talk to other professionals about how they get things done and what brands/tools they like the best.

Now, here’s that list of equipment you need:

A truck and trailer to get to lawn care jobs

pickup truck pulling a trailer with lawn care equipment
Photo Credit: Aziz Shamuratov | Canva Pro | License

You need a reliable truck that will get you to your lawn care jobs. Make sure your vehicle is in good shape and that you will be able to navigate comfortably through traffic.

Here’s why: In metro areas, your vehicle can take a beating with congested traffic, frequent stops, and tight turns, so it’s important to make sure you have adequate transportation. You also should invest in a trailer that can be hooked up to your truck. Make sure that this trailer is large enough to carry all the equipment you will be using on your lawn care jobs.

Riding and push mowers to tackle various yard sizes and layouts

While a riding mower can help you cover a lot of ground quickly, you may also need a push mower.

Riding mower advantages: You can’t beat a riding lawn mower, lawn tractor, or zeo-turn mower for large yards. And the comfort of a riding mower can’t compare to a mower you push around a yard.

Push mower advantages: A push mower helps get to those tough-to-reach areas, and it is safer when dealing with ditches and steep slopes.

It is best to have both a riding mower and a push mower to get the job done safely, with precision and detail in mind.

A weed-eater for stubborn weeds and unnecessary growth

weed eater being used in tall overgrowth
Photo Credit: narcisa | Canva Pro | License

You will definitely need a weed-eater to handle pesky weeds and growth. Weed-eaters are also called trimmers, string trimmers, or weed-whackers.

While it’s likely you’ll be able to pull up some of the weeds by hand, volume alone warrants having a weed-eater. More ground can be covered, and you will be able to deliver more quality services to your clients. Invest in a weed eater.

An edger for neater and tidier lawns

Edgers are a great tool that will help your lawn care work be as neat and tidy as possible. An edger will allow you to create definition around any flowers and plant beds, with exceptional attention to detail and finishes.

An edger will also help you get those areas adjacent to walkways, driveways, and sidewalks, and your clients will appreciate the extra attention to detail and clean finishes.

Neat edging of grass areas is required for Lawn Love services and will elevate your services to the next level by making the yard look sharp and professional.

Make sure you know how to use an edger to prevent over-edging the lawn and creating large gaps between the hardscapes and lawn that are not easy to fix.

Trimmers for bushes and hedges

bush trimmer used on hedges
Photo Credit: constantinopris | Canva Pro | License

You will need a trimmer for bushes and hedges. This will ensure the overall health of those plants, and this helps with growth being fuller and leading to more vibrant and colorful blooms.

Gas-powered hedge trimmers cover more ground and decrease the time you spend on a yard.

Electric trimmers that require an electrical outlet to plug in are not a great option, due to the inconsistency of a customer having an outlet available to use.

And although you can get a good amount of work done quickly with battery operated trimmers, it is also suggested to own a pair of hand trimmers. Why? Hand trimmers will let you go into plants and remove growth attacking plants from the inside. Hand trimmers help you get areas around window-seals and other areas where precision is key.

Blower to remove leaves, snow, trimmings, and buildup

Blowers do more than help remove leaves from yards and other areas on a property. Blowers are very useful in colder climates, helping to move snow.

When the work on a lawn is nearing completion, a blower can push all the trimmings along with other yard debris into a specified area for easier collection and disposal.

A blower is also recommended to remove dust from patios and open porches and to help with removing cobwebs and buildup in corners.

Rakes, gloves, tarps, and bins

gardener maintaining a yard
Photo Credit: welcomia | Canva Pro | License

For your lawn care services to be top-notch you should also own rakes, gloves, tarps, and bins. Here’s why:

Rakes are used to spread out seeds, hay, and grass coverings, and help remove debris.

For your safety, having gloves will protect hands from thorns, pests, and sharp plant and stick edges.

A tarp can be very useful to help carry removed debris like sticks and limbs and to carry off lawn trimmings.

Bins like large, round industrial trash cans can hold debris and trimmings safely on the back of your trailer. You’ll also need straps and ropes to safely secure your equipment and debris during transport.

Now that you know the equipment you’ll need for your lawn care business, you may need funding to buy everything Read our guide to business loans for lawn care companies. That should help.

Main Photo Credit: welcomia | Canva Pro | License

Lawn Love