South Carolina’s climate makes warm-season grasses like Bermudagrass, Zoysiagrass, and centipedegrass the best grasses for South Carolina. However, tall fescue can also be cultivated in the Piedmont and Mountain parts of the Palmetto State.
This article will discuss the many grass options available for all parts of the state. If you’re looking for the best grasses for your region, you may find them in our other pieces:
- The Best Grass for Upstate South Carolina
- The Best Grass for Coastal South Carolina
- The Best Grass for Central South Carolina
Best grasses for South Carolina
The best grass for your South Carolina lawn will depend on where in the state you’re located. See the map above to get a better look at South Carolina’s regions.
Bahiagrass: Best grass seed for sandy soil
Bahiagrass is a coarse-textured option for Palmetto State lawns that works well in challenging growing conditions. This grass grows better in sandy soil than most other lawn grasses, making it the best grass for sandy soils in South Carolina. Bahiagrass is easy to establish by seed and has low maintenance needs, only requiring frequent mowing due to its aggressive growth habit.
With excellent tolerance to drought and acidic conditions, bahiagrass is an ideal option for lawns in the Sandhills region, where the soil is acidic, dry, and sandy.
Learn more about this turfgrass in our article: “Bahiagrass: How to Grow and Care for It.”
Grass Seed Options
Pensacola Bahiagrass:
– SeedRanch Pensacola Bahiagrass Seed (10 lb. bag)
– Hancock’s Pensacola Bahia Grass Seed – Coated – 5 lbs.
Argentine Bahiagrass:
– Scotts Turf Builder Argentine Bahiagrass (10 lb. bag)
Bermudagrass: Best grass for full sun
tammykayphoto | Adobe Stock | License
Bermudagrass is another grass with excellent drought tolerance, presenting a great option for homeowners who want a high-quality lawn in South Carolina. Bermudagrass produces one of the finest leaf textures of the southern warm-season grasses (along with Zoysiagrass) and has the best traffic tolerance out of the others in this article.
Bermudagrass has high maintenance requirements, though, so if you opt for this turfgrass, prepare to mow at least twice a week during summer or periods of rapid growth. Check out our guide “Bermudagrass: How to Grow and Care for It” to learn more about caring for this turfgrass.
Bermudagrass is a viable choice for properties near the ocean due to its good salt tolerance but does not tolerate shade. The ‘Tifway’ variety is currently considered the best Bermudagrass seed for high-quality lawns in South Carolina.
Grass Seed Options:
– Scotts Turf Builder Bermudagrass (10-lb. bag)
– Hancock Seed Co. Bermudagrass (50-lb. bag)
Centipedegrass: Best grass for acidic soils
Just like carpetgrass, centipedegrass is a suitable option for acidic soils, although it is more drought-tolerant. Often thought of as the most common grass in South Carolina, centipedegrass’s popularity is due to its low maintenance needs and apple-green color.
Better suited for warmer regions, centipedegrass is susceptible to winterkill. If you live in the Piedmont region, centipedegrass is best grown in areas with little shade on south-facing or southwestern slopes.
Learn more about what goes into the care of centipedegrass in our guide: “Centipedegrass: How to Grow and Care for It.”
Grass Seed Options:
– Gulf Kist Coated Centipedegrass Seeds (1 lb.)
– Scotts EZ Seed Patch and Repair Centipedegrass (3.75 lbs.)
– TifBlair Centipedegrass (5-lb. bag)
Seashore Paspalum: Best grass for salty soils
Often used on coastal golf courses due to its excellent salt tolerance, seashore paspalum is also an option for home lawns with salty soils or in areas with frequent saltwater intrusion. With a medium to coarse texture, seashore paspalum has poor shade tolerance and is best used in full-sun areas. Built for the warm coastal climate, the only thing seashore paspalum can’t handle is the cold.
Seashore paspalum has a moderate maintenance level, good wear tolerance, and a fair drought tolerance.
Grass Seed and Sod Options:
– Seed Ranch SeaShore Paspalum Coated Grass Seed – 1 lb.
– Seed World SeaShore Paspalum Grass Seeds (various amounts)
– Other places to purchase seashore paspalum sod
St. Augustinegrass: Best shade tolerance for the coast
Do you need grass with a salt tolerance as good as seashore paspalum, but with a better shade tolerance? Then you can go with St. Augustinegrass, the best grass for shade in the coastal area of South Carolina. Have in mind, however, that St. Augustinegrass is very susceptible to winter injury, and there are recorded cases of this on the northern coast of South Carolina.
When compared to seashore paspalum, however, St. Augustinegrass has less wear tolerance (although it still has fair traffic tolerance). It also has a moderate to high maintenance level (it will require more care when grown in sandy soils), with medium thatch production. Learn more in our guide: “St. Augustinegrass: How to Grow and Care for It.”
Grass Plug Options:
– Seed Ranch St Augustine Seville Grass Plugs (2 Trays)
– Seed Ranch St Augustine Floratam Grass Plugs (2 Trays)
Zoysiagrass: Best grass for shade
Even if you don’t live by the coast, there is still shade-tolerant grass for you. Zoysiagrass is the best grass for shade in other areas of South Carolina, growing in a variety of soil conditions. With one of the finest leaf textures of the Southern turfgrasses (along with Bermudagrass), Zoysiagrass will give you a dense and aesthetically pleasing lawn.
Another great advantage of Zoysiagrass is that it has the best cold tolerance out of the warm-season grasses for South Carolina. On the other hand, Zoysiagrass has high maintenance needs and a high thatch production. Learn more in our guide: “Zoysiagrass: How to Grow and Care for It.”
Grass Plug and Seed Options:
– Zoysia Plugs (50 Large Grass Plugs)
– Zoysia Plugs (50 Full & Lush Grass Plugs)
– Zoysia Plugs (100 Plugs)
– Zenith Zenith Grass Seeds (1/8 lb. of seeds)
Carpetgrass: Best grass for wet soils
Do you have wet soil, where no other grass will grow? In such conditions, carpetgrass can be your solution. Carpetgrass thrives in wet and acid soils, where it is hard for other grasses to survive. It is a fairly fragile grass, with poor drought, cold, and traffic tolerance.
However, because of its low tendency to develop diseases, low mowing frequency, and low tendency to accumulate thatch, carpetgrass is the easiest grass to grow in South Carolina.
Due to its “ragged” look, carpetgrass is not the best choice for a high-quality lawn, but is better used in low-maintenance, shady areas. However, the improved cultivar ‘Chase’ might offer you a better aesthetic. Learn more about carpetgrass in our article: “Carpetgrass: How to Grow and Care for It.”
Grass Seed Option:
– Carpetgrass seeds (coated) (2 lbs.)
Tall Fescue: Best cool-season grass for South Carolina
Due to being vulnerable to heat stress, the only cool-season grass recommended as a permanent lawn in South Carolina is tall fescue. And even so, tall fescue does well only in the Mountain and Piedmont regions of South Carolina.
Considered the best fescue for South Carolina, tall fescue grows in a variety of soils but thrives in clay soils. When cultivated upstate, its optimal conditions include areas with partial shade or north-facing slopes. Learn how to grow a tall fescue lawn in our guide: “Tall Fescue: How to Grow and Care for It.”
Grass Seed Options:
– Triple-Play Tall Fescue Grass Seed Blend (5000 sq ft)
– Eretz Kentucky 31 K31 Tall Fescue Grass Seed (choose your size)
– Pennington The Rebels Tall Fescue Grass Seed Mix (7 lb.)
Learn more about South Carolina
If you’re interested in finding out more about South Carolina, check out our other useful articles about the state:
- South Carolina Native Plants for Landscaping
- When to Apply Pre-Emergent Weed Control in South Carolina
Pro Tip: If you’re still unsure about what grass would be the best for your lawn, visit our guide on how to choose the best grass seed for your lawn so you can make an informed decision.
FAQ about South Carolina lawns
When should grass seed be planted in South Carolina?
Plant warm-season grasses between May 1 and May 14 and cool-season grasses in mid-to-late September. To dive into the details on this topic, visit our article: “When to Plant Grass Seed in South Carolina.”
What is South Carolina’s state grass?
Indian grass, a native warm-season perennial, is South Carolina’s state grass. Another native grass that is equally as important for the local culture is sweetgrass, which provides a beautiful pink fall color.
Learn more about the native ornamental grasses of South Carolina in our article: “Native Ornamental Grasses for South Carolina Landscapes.”
Can other cool-season grasses be grown in South Carolina?
Kentucky bluegrass can be grown in the Mountain region, while creeping red fescue can be cultivated in the Piedmont and Mountain portions of the state (especially under shade). However, they do not withstand summer temperatures when grown in open, sunny areas below 800 feet in elevation, where they become susceptible to common South Carolina weeds and diseases.
When to call a pro
Tired of the boring, week-to-week hustle of performing routine lawn care tasks? Why not count on a lawn care pro to do the hard work for you? Contact a qualified lawn care pro today so you can lay back and enjoy a freshly cut, tidy lawn.
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Main Image Credit: Main House, Magnolia Plantation, Summerville, SC | Warren LeMay | Flickr | CC BY-SA 2.0