How to Get the Perfect Lawn

A freshly mowed lawn with line stripes

Do you want the perfect lawn but have no clue where to start? Well, you’re not alone! There are so many people who want a lawn free from weeds and disease in the perfect hue of lush emerald green but have no clue where to start. The secret to a lawn like that is really no secret at all! Here are the steps you can take toward the perfect lawn.

What is a Perfect Lawn?

The first step in your quest of the perfect lawn is to determine what that idea means to you. Do you want a lawn that is healthy and lush? A lawn that is flawlessly manicured? You must decide what a perfect lawn means to you in the end and apply our tips and advice in your rabid pursuit of it.

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Prevent Weeds Before They Creep In

The best way to stop weeds is to never let them start. How can you do that? Well, it’s pretty simple if you use a pre-emergent herbicide to get the job done. This kind of product helps to control weeds such as crabgrass and other weeds that can be difficult to eliminate once they get their roots in the door. Early spring is the best time to use it on your lawn.

If weeds have sprouted, all is not lost. Broadleaf weeds often pop up. This includes weeds such as dandelions, clover, and big-leaf plantain. You can use granular weed control products to help control them or you can take out some frustration and pull them up by hand. Just make sure you wait until a dewy morning to apply granular products. The moisture will help them stick to the weeds.

Just make sure that no matter what product you choose that you read and follow all package directions. It’s important to keep you and your family (including pets!) safe and sound in pursuit of your perfect lawn.

Mow Your Lawn Frequently

One of the keys to a healthy, perfect lawn is the height and frequency at which you mow it. Many people try to save time by mowing their lawn short, thinking it will need to be mowed less frequently. The problem with this is that it can damage your grass and allow weeds to take hold. Healthy grass is grass allowed to grow a little higher. Never cut off more than a third of the height of the grass at a time.

It’s also important to keep your mowing blades sharp. Dull blades will tear grass instead of cutting it neatly. Grass blades with a ragged, jagged edge will brown easily and make your lawn look blah. Make sure you sharpen your blade at least once every mowing season. You may need to sharpen your mower blades more frequently if you have a large lawn. Make sure you pay attention to your grass after you cut it. If the ends of the blades are frayed or shredded, it’s time for a sharpening!

When to Water

The best time for a good lawn watering is in the morning. The sun will only dry up the grass, meaning that watering during the heat of the day when the sun is high in the sky is a bit counterproductive. Nighttime watering is out because the water can sit on the blades of grass for longer and open the door to some lawn diseases. Water less often in the morning, but for longer periods of time to ensure the water penetrates deep into the ground. Just getting the grass wet isn’t a watering.

If you’re unsure how much water your lawn is getting when you water, put a used soup can next to the sprinkler. When about a half inch of water is in the can, then your lawn will be well watered.

Give Your Lawn Food

The nutrient makeup of your soil is really important to the health of your lawn. Make sure you test your soil to ensure it has the right combination of nutrients. If it doesn’t, get a fertilizer that has the right combination to fix it. In the northern part of the United States, fertilize your lawn in the fall and springtime. In the southern part of the United States, you need to feed it in spring and summer. Dormant grass should not be fed because it will simply do no good! Just remember, more fertilizer does not mean your lawn will be better fertilized, either. Too much can burn your lawn, so make sure to read directions and follow instructions.

Following these tips will get you off to a great start to your version of a perfect lawn! If you need additional help, remember that Lawn Love is always here to help!

Main Photo Credit: David-Carter | Canva Pro | License

Sara Butler

Sara Butler has written scores of articles for Lawn Love -- everything from how to revive your dead lawn to how to start to lawn care tools every homeowner should have.