How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes in Your Yard

outdoor patio set with mosquito netting hanging over the umbrella in the center

Spending time outdoors can quickly turn into a nightmare if you’re swarmed by pesky mosquitoes. Creating a mosquito-free yard is not just about your comfort but also essential for your health. So, how do you get rid of mosquitoes in your yard? Simply follow a few simple steps and take back control of your landscape.

What do mosquitoes look like?

You might know their bites, but not everyone can recognize the insect itself. Mosquitoes are small insects that are between 0.12 to 0.25 inches long (3 to 6 millimeters). There are a few different species that vary in color, and their limbs are the best way to identify them. 

Mosquitoes have two long, scale-covered wings and a set of uniquely long legs. If you’re up close, you’ll also see an extended mouthpart called a proboscis. It’s like the mosquito’s straw, and this characteristic sets them apart from other insects like crane flies.

three types mosquitoes
Aedes Mosquito: Mailson Pignata | Canva Pro | License
Anopheles Mosquito: boonyoo | Canva Pro | License
Culex Mosquito: doug4537 | Canva Pro | License

The most common types of mosquitoes found in the U.S. include: 

  • Culex pipiens: Commonly known as the house mosquito, these small, brown mosquitoes are active during dusk and at night across the United States. They breed in stagnant water and can transmit diseases like West Nile virus. You can find them in urban and suburban areas and common habitats and breeding sites include pools, bird baths, and clogged gutters. 
  • Aedes aegypti: Recognized by their distinctive black and white stripes, these mosquitoes are daytime biters responsible for transmitting diseases like Zika, yellow fever, and dengue. You will typically find them in tropical and subtropical regions in the southern United States, particularly in warm and humid climates like Florida. 
  • Anopheles: These gray-to-brown mosquitoes are responsible for transmitting malaria. They are active during the night, and their bites can be more painful compared to other species. You can find them in the western and northwestern parts of the United States, though, thankfully, malaria transmission is rare. It is not endemic to the U.S.

How do mosquitoes behave?

Understanding the behavior of mosquitoes is crucial for effective mosquito management. Mosquito control interrupts the life cycle of the insect. Killing adult mosquitoes is a good start, but preventing mosquito breeding will ensure mosquitoes don’t come back. These pesky insects have distinct habits and characteristics, such as: 

Blood-feeding: The blood-feeding habits of mosquitoes apply to females. Males feed on nectar and other sugary substances. 

Females: Female mosquitoes are responsible for the itchy bites because they need a bloody meal to develop their eggs. Each female can lay more than 700 eggs over the course of her lifespan (which is just a few months). They can mate with a male mosquito once and lay eggs up to five times from just one encounter. They don’t need a mansion either – a mosquito can lay as many as 100 eggs in a space as small as a bottle cap.

Breeding: Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water. Any stagnant water source can become a breeding ground, including puddles, ponds, bird baths, rain barrels, flower pot saucers, and clogged gutters. 

Resting: Mosquitoes rest in cool, dark, sheltered areas. They prefer tall grass, shrubs, and shaded locations in your yard. 

How to get rid of mosquitoes in your yard

tire in yard with water inside of it
ThamKC | Canva Pro | License

Minimize the annoyance and health risks of mosquitoes with various control methods. 

Eliminate breeding sites 

As long as you have places for them to play hide and seek, mosquitoes won’t want to leave. One of the most effective ways to reduce mosquito populations in your yard is to eliminate their breeding sites. Mosquitoes require standing water to lay their eggs and complete their life cycle. Here’s how to reduce their breeding sites: 

  • Remove standing water: Inspect your yard for containers like buckets, flower pots, bird baths, or other objects that collect and hold rainwater. Empty them and store them away from the elements.
  • Maintain gutters: Clogged gutters and drains trap water, providing an ideal breeding site for mosquitoes. Keep your gutters clean and ensure proper drainage. 
  • Repair leaks ASAP: Fix leaks, dripping outdoor faucets, or broken sprinkler heads as soon as possible to avoid puddles on your landscape. Remember, mosquitoes can lay their eggs in the tiniest of water sources – as small as a bottle cap. 
  • Refresh outdoor water features:  If you have ornamental water features like bird baths or fountains, clean and replace the water several times per week. Similarly, replace the water in outdoor pet bowls daily. You also can consider adding Mosquito Dunks tablets to your water features to prevent larvae development. 
  • Maintain swimming pools: A well-maintained and properly chlorinated swimming pool prevents mosquitoes from breeding in the water. 
  • Cover containers: Use lids or covers for rain barrels and outdoor trash cans. 
  • Fill tree holes and voids: Some tree species have cavities that hold water. Fill these voids or opt for professional tree removal services to eliminate mosquito breeding sites from your property. 

Use natural mosquito control

Eco-friendly and natural approaches to mosquito and pest control are all the rage. There are several strategies that can help reduce mosquito populations in your yard, including: 

American beautyberry branch with green and purple berries all along the branch
Jonathan Lidbeck | Flickr | CC BY 2.0

Plant mosquito-repellent plants

Plant mosquito-repelling herbs and flowers in your garden beds and pots or containers around your outdoor areas. Options include: 

  • American beautyberry
  • Basil
  • Bee balm
  • Catnip
  • Citronella
  • Lavender
  • Lemongrass
  • Marigolds

Pro tip: Many of these plants do double duty as flea and tick repellent, too. 

Attract natural predators

Let nature take its course. Encourage natural mosquito predators to inhabit your yard. This creates a balanced ecosystem. Natural predators include: 

  • Birds (Swallows and purple martins)
  • Bats
  • Dragonflies

Minimize artificial light

Mosquitoes are attracted to light. Consider switching your outdoor bulbs to yellow LED lights which are less attractive to mosquitoes. You also can opt to use motion-activated or timed lighting to reduce exposure. 

Apply chemical solutions

fogger used for pest control
golfbress | Canva Pro | License

Sometimes natural methods aren’t enough for sufficient mosquito control. Chemical solutions like pesticides can reduce mosquito populations effectively, and these approaches often offer rapid relief. Consider the following strategies: 

  • Broad-spectrum insecticides: Consider spraying broad-spectrum insecticides. These products control a variety of insects, including mosquitoes. However, they can also harm beneficial insects like pollinators, so use them sparingly.
  • Foggers: Mosquito foggers and misting systems disperse insecticides into your yard. They provide temporary relief for occasions like outdoor gatherings. 
  • Larvicides: Treat breeding sites. Apply larvicides to standing water sources. 

How to use a broad-spectrum insecticide

To minimize the negative effects, only apply insecticide to mosquito-prone areas instead of your entire yard. Specifically, target shady and wet areas.

  1. Measure your yard in square feet. 
  2. Mix the insecticide with water according to the dilution rate on the label. 
  3. Refer to the product label to help you select the best application method. Methods include a garden sprayer, hose-end sprayer, or fogging machine. 
  4. Apply the insecticide in the early morning or late afternoon and ensure the weather is calm. There should be little to no wind to prevent drift. Spray the insecticide evenly over the vegetation, shrubs, trees, and other areas with mosquito activity. Pay attention to shady spots, tall grass, and standing water. 

Pro tip: Avoid spraying the insecticide directly onto flowering plants or areas where bees or other pollinators are active. 

Landscaping for mosquito control

illustration explaining thatch on grass
Infographic by Juan Rodriguez

Effective landscape maintenance plays an important role in reducing mosquitoes in your yard. Minimize populations, breeding sites, and resting areas with the following care practices: 

  • Mow regularly: Keep your lawn well-manicured by mowing regularly. Mosquitoes rest in tall grass and overgrown vegetation during the day. Shorter grass heights make your yard less appealing. 
  • Dethatch: Dethatching involves removing the layer of dead grass and organic matter that accumulate on the soil’s surface. This layer holds moisture, creating favorable conditions for mosquito breeding. Dethatching your lawn can reduce the excess moisture and breeding sites. 
  • Prune vegetation: Trim and prune shrubs and trees to allow better air circulation and sunlight penetration. Well-maintained vegetation enhances the aesthetics of your yard and also reduces shaded areas where mosquitoes hide. 
  • Clear debris: Remove fallen leaves, branches, and other yard debris. These materials provide hiding spots for mosquitoes. 

By incorporating these care practices into your routine, you can actively reduce mosquito breeding sites and create an environment that is less attractive to the itchy pests. 

Rely on professional pest control

While DIY methods can be effective for managing mosquitoes in your yard, large properties in locations with ideal conditions may require professional help. Pest control professionals have the knowledge, expertise, and tools to address your infestation and tailor solutions to your needs. 

Pro tip: Many pest control companies specialize in temporary mosquito control solutions for outdoor events.

Temporary mosquito control methods

yellow colored candles of citronella for mosquitoes
Citronella Mosquito Candles
Imáges de Ana Belen | Canva Pro | License

When you are planning to spend time outdoors, entertaining family or relaxing on the patio, it is essential to have temporary control measures to repel mosquitoes. These methods eliminate or repel mosquitoes in smaller areas to make your outdoor experience more enjoyable. Short-term control methods include: 

  • Citronella candles: These candles contain citronella oil which is a scent mosquitoes find unpleasant. Place the candles around your outdoor seating area to create a protective barrier. 
  • Bug zappers: UV light attracts insects, and when the insects come in contact with the zapper, they are electrocuted. These devices work best in localized areas. 
  • Nets and screens: Enclose outdoor seating areas with physical barriers like nets or screens
  • Essential oils: Oils like eucalyptus, lavender, and peppermint have natural mosquito-repellent properties. DIY create your own spray by mixing a few drops of oil with water and applying it to your skin, clothing, and outdoor seating area. 
  • Bug spray: Apply personal insect repellent sprays and lotions with ingredients like DEET or picaridin to your skin and clothes to deter mosquito bites. 
  • Outdoor fans: Installing outdoor fans on your patio or deck creates a breeze that makes it more challenging for mosquitoes and other flying insects to approach. 
  • Mosquito traps: These traps attract and capture mosquitoes with carbon dioxide. They are highly effective for small, outdoor areas. 

FAQ about getting rid of mosquitoes

When are mosquitoes most active? 

Mosquitoes look for targets during the early morning and late afternoon, typically at dusk and dawn. 

What temperatures are mosquitoes active in?

Temperature influences mosquito activity, In general, mosquitoes are most active when temperatures range between 50 degrees Fahrenheit to 95 degrees Fahrenheit.

If I don’t usually get bitten, do I really need to get rid of mosquitoes?

Yes. Even if you don’t get mosquito bites, treatment is important if you notice them on your property. Mosquitoes carry harmful diseases and can even cause heartworms in dogs. 

Do coffee grounds kill mosquitoes?

Sprinkling coffee grounds over your lawn probably won’t deter adult mosquitoes, but flooding standing water with coffee grounds will harm mosquito larvae. Furthermore, treating standing water with coffee also can prevent the insects from laying mosquito eggs.

Get help with your mosquito problem

Landscape alterations and pest control are overwhelming. If you need help creating a mosquito-resistant landscape, let Lawn Love connect you with a local landscaper who can get the job done. However, if you need help controlling mosquitoes in your yard, reach out to Pest Gnome for a tailored solution

Main Photo Credit: Wonderlane | Flickr | Public Domain

Kimberly Magerl

Kimberly Magerl is a writer and data analyst specializing in landscaping, gardening, lawn care, and pest control. She enjoys growing orchids, tending to fruits and vegetables in her garden, and getting outdoors. A resident of Texas, when she isn't gardening, Kimberly enjoys trying new recipes and cooking with her home-grown herbs.