Zoysiagrass is a warm-season turfgrass that is drought- and heat-tolerant, making it a popular choice for Texas lawns. Our Zoysiagrass maintenance calendar for Texas will help you plan for each season and ensure your lawn thrives.
We’ll explain the best times to fertilize, overseed, aerate, and perform other key lawn care tasks so you can achieve a healthy Zoysia lawn in the Lone Star State.

Orange ✓: Not optimal, but possible time
Infographic by Beck Carter
Spring Zoysiagrass lawn care: March, April, May
Zoysiagrass emerges from dormancy once the soil temperature reaches at least 50 degrees Fahrenheit. This departure from dormancy is earlier in the season than other grass types but usually occurs in March or April if there is a late-season freeze. In spring, it’s essential to help your lawn recover from winter dormancy and prepare for the active summer growth season.
The ideal time for planting Zoysiagrass is late spring, after the final frost, and early summer, typically in May or June. This timing aligns with Zoysiagrass’s active growing season, which helps it germinate more quickly.
Zoysiagrass thrives best when you establish it using sod. Although you can also use sprigs and plugs, they will take longer to cover your yard. Only one variety, Zoysia japonica — often called “Japanese lawn grass” or “Korean lawn grass” — can grow from seed.
Spring is a great time to ensure your lawn mower is in good condition since you’ll soon need it more often. Your mower blades should be sharp to ensure a clean cut and prevent the grass from tearing.
Mow Zoysiagrass once it turns green after exiting dormancy and before the lawn exceeds 2.5 inches. Mow low during this first mowing session without scalping your lawn. This helps ensure all dormant tissue is gone and establishes a proper grass height of 1 to 2 inches.
Zoysiagrass needs about 1 inch of water per week, including any rainfall, so be careful not to overwater your lawn during spring rains. In coastal areas of Texas, where there is sandy soil, Zoysiagrass may require more water. In this case, water every 3 days, applying about 1.5 inches per week.
In North Texas, where clay soil is typical, it’s also beneficial to water more frequently. Water every 3 days, applying about 1 inch per week. Clay soil absorbs water better than sand. To reduce pooling, water in shorter intervals of about 15 minutes.

You should always fertilize your Zoysiagrass lawn using the soil test results as a guide. If you cannot conduct a soil test, apply half a pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet about three weeks after the grass turns green again. You can use a complete turf fertilizer with a 3-1-2 or 4-1-2 nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium ratio.
Give your lawn a boost by checking out our guide to the best lawn fertilizers for Texas.
If there is excess thatch, you can dethatch Zoysiagrass in spring, although early summer is ideal. Thatch is a buildup of organic material on the surface of your lawn’s soil that provides some benefit, but excess thatch prevents water, sunlight, and nutrients from reaching your grass roots.
Don’t remove too much thatch at once, as Zoysiagrass is slow to recover. It is best to dethatch and aerate your lawn as part of one treatment but always dethatch first to make aeration more effective.
For more information about dethatching in Texas, see our guide: “When to Dethatch Your Lawn in Texas.”

Aeration can also help your Zoysiagrass get the water and nutrients it needs if the soil is too compacted. Like excessive thatch, compacted soil can impact your lawn’s ability to take in water and nutrients. It’s better to aerate when Zoysiagrass is actively growing in summer. However, you could aerate your lawn in late May if needed.
Zoysiagrass generally requires less overseeding compared to other grass types because of its dense growth. However, overseeding may be beneficial if your lawn is thinning or has bare spots.
The best time to overseed Zoysiagrass is in late spring or early summer when there’s no risk of frost. Overseeding is most effective after aerating the lawn, as this allows the seeds better access to the soil.
Pro Tip: For faster establishment, cut pieces of sod or plant sprigs or plugs (instead of seeds) to fill in the lawn.
Control weeds
Apply pre-emergence herbicides in February or March to prevent summer weeds like crabgrass and goosegrass. Apply post-emergence herbicides in May as needed to eliminate broadleaf weeds.
Control diseases

Scot Nelson | Flickr | Public Domain
Rust is a lawn disease that affects Zoysiagrass in warm, humid conditions during spring and summer. It is often caused by drought stress and inadequate nutrients. Rust can also result from improper maintenance, like mowing too low. Rust causes discolored, wilting grass and produces orange spores, which can spread on shoes and pets’ paws or become airborne when mowing.
Fairy rings are circular patches of denser or greener grass caused by fungi that feed on organic matter in the soil. They can also appear as rings of mushrooms, often seen in lawns. Causes include drought, excess nitrogen, and poor maintenance. While they mainly pose an aesthetic issue, mushrooms can be mowed or pulled and will eventually disappear on their own.
Large patch is a fungal disease that impacts warm-season grasses but is particularly harmful to Zoysia. You’ll notice circular patches of discolored grass with yellow or orange borders. The fungus that causes large patch can be aggravated by excess thatch, fertilizer, or water. If you see the disease in the spring, don’t treat with fungicides. Lawns usually recover on their own by late spring.
To Learn More: For more information about diseases that impact Zoysiagrass, check out our article: “Most Common Diseases Affecting Zoysiagrass.”
Control pests
May is an appropriate time to apply insecticides to reduce the impact of billbugs. This type of weevil or snout beetle harms Zoysiagrass by chewing on the crown or roots.
Zoysiagrass is one of the hunting billbug’s favorite snacks, and damage appears as discolored grass, thinning grass, or hollow grass stems. Often, damage is more apparent near the edges of driveways or sidewalks.
Summer Zoysiagrass lawn care: June, July, August
Summer is the peak growing season for Zoysiagrass and also the busiest season for lawn maintenance. Giving your lawn all it needs to make the most of the growing season is crucial.
Additionally, monitoring your lawn for signs of drought stress is especially important during summer in Texas. While Zoysiagrass is a warm-season turfgrass, extended drought and extreme heat periods can still cause damage.

June is an ideal time to plant Zoysiagrass, as it coincides with the grass’s peak growth season. Remember that extreme temperatures usually occur in Texas in July and August. These conditions can lead to drought stress in your lawn, making it more challenging to establish Zoysiagrass during that time.
Texas is a large state, so your planting season may vary depending on your specific location. For more detailed information on establishing a lawn in the Lone Star State, be sure to check out our guide: “Best Time to Plant Grass Seed in Texas.”
Mow weekly, keeping your Zoysiagrass between 1 and 2 inches tall. Since Zoysiagrass will experience increased growth during this period, you may need to mow it more frequently, every 5 to 7 days.

Continue to give your lawn 1 inch of water every week. Don’t overwater, but pay attention to your lawn for signs of drought stress. You may notice your lawn turn a green-gray color while grass blades wilt and footprints in the lawn remain visible for much longer. When this happens, it’s a sign that your lawn is dehydrated and should be watered very soon.
In Texas, there are often limits on how frequently and how long you can water your lawn during summer. Check with your local government or HOA about your area’s summer watering guidelines or schedules.
Administer between 0.5 to 1 pound of nitrogen for every 1,000 square feet towards the end of June or the beginning of July. Conduct a follow-up application in mid-August.
If you want more information on when to fertilize in your region, check out our article — “When to Fertilize Your Lawn in Texas” — for a more detailed look.

Summer is the ideal time to dethatch and aerate Zoysiagrass. Since it is a warm-season grass, summer is its peak growing season, and dethatching or aerating at this time gives your lawn the best opportunity to recover.
Depending on the size of your lawn and your budget, the following tools can be used for dethatching:
- Thatch rake
- Electric dethatcher
- Power rake
- Vertical mower, also known as a verticutter
- Tow-behind dethatcher
Learn more about dethatching in our article: “How to Dethatch Your Lawn.”
Over time, the soil in your lawn can become compacted due to foot traffic and other factors, such as weather. Since aeration helps your grass access water and nutrients, it helps your roots stay healthy and grow deeper. This leads to a denser lawn that is better at crowding out weeds.
Remember to dethatch before aerating. Typically, aerating once per year is enough. However, if you live near the Gulf Coast, your lawn may have sandy soil and need aerating less frequently.
Discover more about when to aerate your lawn in Texas for optimal growth and health.

June is an ideal time to overseed Zoysiagrass, as it is in its active growing season. This period also offers a great opportunity to dethatch and aerate your lawn, providing a revitalizing spa day for your yard.
Keep in mind that a healthy Zoysiagrass lawn is often too dense for overseeding to be effective, and most Zoysiagrass varieties are not available in seed form. Only overseed if it would be beneficial, especially if your lawn is thinning or has bare spots.
Control weeds
Apply post-emergence herbicides as needed. These herbicides are effective against unwanted summer weeds such as dandelions, clover, chickweed, and sand spurs.
Control diseases
Continue to monitor for rust. Dollar spot is also common in summer. This fungal disease often impacts Zoysiagrass, causing brown patches the size of silver dollars. Dollar spot thrives when there are warm, humid days and cool nights that produce dew and lingering moisture.
Always water your lawn in the morning to ensure it isn’t wet overnight. Annual aeration and dethatching can also improve airflow and reduce compaction.
Take a look at our guide — “How to Get Rid of Dollar Spot” — for details on how to identify and eliminate dollar spot.
Control pests

Apply preventative treatments for white grubs in June. White grubs are the larvae of scarab beetles. They are small, white, and C-shaped. Grubs munch on grass roots, damaging and discoloring your lawn. You’ll notice their presence when your lawn is wilted, the turf is spongy, or wildlife begins digging in it.
Grubs may be little, but they can cause a lot of damage to your lawn. Thankfully, our guide to getting rid of grubs can help you give these bugs the boot.
Fall Zoysiagrass lawn care: September, October, November
During fall, lawn care frequency reduces as grass growth slows down. While your lawn is preparing for dormancy, you can do a few things to maintain it and keep it as healthy as possible so it can bounce back strong in spring.
The planting times for sod are more flexible compared to other methods of establishing Zoysiagrass. However, if you plant outside of the growing season, you may need to provide extra watering and maintenance. If you are establishing a new Zoysiagrass lawn in the fall, make sure to complete the process before the first frost.
Follow the same mowing guidelines as summer, mowing weekly until the grass enters dormancy.
Water your lawn with 1 inch of water every week. In November, warm-season grasses such as Zoysiagrass may go dormant. Once it does, you can reduce watering frequency to once every 2 to 3 weeks.

It’s best to fertilize an established Zoysiagrass lawn between May and August. However, a mid-September treatment is acceptable if needed; it’s just not ideal. Zoysiagrass typically goes dormant after the first frost of the year.
Zoysiagrass may remain green when soil temperatures don’t drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. If this is the case in your region, your lawn might benefit from additional applications of nitrogen fertilizer to maintain its green color. In areas like McAllen, apply your final fall fertilizer application no later than November 1.
Control weeds
Apply pre-emergent herbicides in the fall to prevent winter weeds.
Control diseases

Scot Nelson | Flickr
Lawn diseases such as dollar spot and fairy rings are common in the fall. Curative fungicides can help treat an active dollar spot infestation. Fairy rings that appear as denser or greener grass can be masked by applying fertilizer to make the ring less apparent. Test the soil surrounding the fairy ring to correct for nutrient deficiencies.
To learn more about fairy rings, check out our guide: “What is a Fairy Ring and How to Get Rid of It.”
If you noticed large patch in spring, you’ll likely see it again in the fall. For best results, treat preventatively with fungicides before symptoms appear. Aim to apply your product when soil temperatures fall below 70 F.
Control pests
Mole crickets are common fall pests for Zoysiagrass, and in Texas, tawny and southern mole crickets impact lawns. They consume grass blades and roots, and their presence in your lawn may be apparent by visual damage and the chirping sounds that males make. Targeted pesticides and baits are effective treatments for active mole cricket infestations.
Our article on common pests in Zoysiagrass includes information on how to treat and prevent mole crickets and other common Zoysia pests.
Winter Zoysiagrass lawn care: December, January, February
By December, Zoysiagrass goes dormant in Texas. Your lawn may look brown during this time, but it should have strong, healthy roots from all your hard work the rest of the year.
Avoid Mowing

Zoysiagrass typically goes dormant after the first frost of the year. Mowing the lawn in winter can stress it and damage it. Only mow if necessary or to manage weed growth.
To prevent dehydration, continue to water your lawn occasionally throughout the winter, about once every 2 to 3 weeks, if needed. Only water if the temperature is above 40 F.
Control weeds
Apply post-emergence herbicides as needed to control winter weeds. Due to its dense growth, Zoysiagrass is typically resistant to weeds when well-maintained. However, as dormancy weakens its resilience in winter, it tends to be more susceptible to weeds.
Discover the most common weeds in Texas, learn to identify them, and find effective control methods with our guide: “The Most Common Texas Weeds.”
Control pests
Not many insects will impact your winter lawn in Texas. However, wildlife may seek refuge from the colder weather in places such as backyard sheds, under decks, or in piles of leaves on the lawn. These pests may include raccoons, opossums, and skunks, which can all cause damage to your lawn.
Remove water and food sources to make your lawn less inviting to wildlife. If an animal makes itself cozy in your yard, it’s best to contact a professional, especially if the animal is aggressive or displays abnormal behavior.
Additional lawn care resources for Texas
Learn more about lawn care in Texas with these guides:
- The Best Types of Grass for Texas Lawns
- St. Augustinegrass Maintenance Calendar for Texas
- Bermudagrass Maintenance Calendar for Texas
- Best Grass Types for Austin
- Best Grass Types for San Antonio
- Best Grass Types for Houston
FAQ about Zoysiagrass
What are the disadvantages of growing Zoysiagrass in Texas?
Zoysiagrass can be much slower to establish than other grass types and is much more susceptible to thatch buildup. It is also less suited to the climate in West Texas, where the semi-arid conditions can present challenges, requiring additional maintenance and watering.
What does overwatered Zoysiagrass look like?
The main indicator of overwatered Zoysiagrass is discoloration. This grass type is typically deep green but can become pale, yellow, or brown when overwatered. Additionally, an overwatered lawn tends to feel squishy underfoot and can lead to weed overgrowth.
What happens if you don’t mow Zoysiagrass?
When Zoysiagrass is left unmowed, it can reach heights of 5 to 6 inches. It may appear uneven, forming mounds, tufts, or a wave-like appearance. However, mowing Zoysiagrass helps the turf grow deeper, stronger roots, and improves its health. So, an unmowed Zoysiagrass lawn may be thinner and weaker.
Hire a Pro
Maintaining a beautiful Zoysiagrass lawn in Texas requires understanding the local climate and your lawn’s needs during each season. A well-maintained Zoysiagrass lawn will grow dense and carpet-like and is an excellent grass for Texans who want a beautiful lawn.
For help getting lawn maintenance just right, hire a Texas lawn care pro to help make lawn care a breeze. That way, you can spend more time enjoying your lawn and less time toiling away.
- NC State Extension:
- Texas A&M:
- University of Georgia:
- University of Missouri:
Main Image Credit: Krzysztof Ziarnek, Kenraiz / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0