Overseeding is the process of planting grass seed over an existing lawn without removing existing grass. It’s done mainly to fix bare spots and thicken a thinning lawn to boost curb appeal and lawn health.
Overseeding at a glance

If seeding is the act of planting grass seeds, then overseeding is simply the act of seeding on top of a mature lawn. It keeps lawns healthy and beautiful year-round.
Many homeowners overseed their lawns at least once a year during their turf’s peak growth season. The best time to overseed depends on what type of grass you’re growing – either cool-season (late summer or early fall) or warm-season (late spring or early summer).
You can use the same type of grass seed you’re currently growing or use a different variety or species. But generally, you want to stick to similar grasses; use warm-season grasses in your warm-season lawn and cool-season grasses in a cool-season one.

Reasons why you should overseed your lawn
There are many reasons why a homeowner would want to overseed their lawn:
- Fixing a patchy lawn
- Adding better grass varieties to strengthen older, weaker turf
- Maintaining a green lawn in the winter (mainly in the southern states)
FAQs about overseeding
Does my lawn need overseeding?
Usually, it’s quite obvious if your lawn needs overseeding. However, there are some more subtle signs that you should overseed your lawn such as poor disease and pest tolerance. If you’d like to learn more, read our article, “Should You Overseed Your Lawn?”.
How do you overseed?
The exact process of overseeding depends on whether you go with traditional overseeding or slice seeding. Generally, you’ll need to prepare your lawn prior to either method to get the best results. Here is a simple guide on how to overseed your lawn:
- Prepare your lawn by dethatching, aerating, and amending your soil.
- Mow low and rake debris.
- Spread seed evenly.
- Fertilize your lawn.
- Water the seeds.
Our guide to overseeding has more in-depth instructions you can follow.
When should I renovate my lawn instead of overseeding?
The University of Massachusetts Amherst recommends a full lawn renovation if over 50% of your lawn has been taken over by weeds. A full renovation will reset your lawn to a clean slate as overseeding by itself won’t kill weeds.
While expensive, lawn renovation is an opportunity to fully seed your lawn with grass that has better tolerances.
Call a pro to overseed your lawn
Overseeding is a routine lawn maintenance procedure that keeps your lawn lush and healthy. If you would like to get your lawn overseeded, why not hire a pro to do it for you instead? Lawn Love can connect you with pros near you who can overseed your lawn, fertilize it, and mow it once it’s lush and green.
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